Positive Thinking One-Day Course in English

Positiv Tænkning

Dato: lørdag d. 2. marts 2024
Tid : 10:00 - 14:00
Sted: Brahma Kumaris, København
Vodroffsvej 9B
1900 Frederiksberg C

“You are what you think!” This simple yet profound saying suggests that everything we say, do, and feel originates in the mind. The energy of the human mind is one of the most potent but least understood resources in the universe. Understanding and harnessing this energy holds the key to happiness, satisfaction, and the improvement of our relationships and situations.

Positive thinking: Make your mind your best friend. What I think about myself and how I use my mind immediately impacts my relationship with myself and others. Trust, love, respect, understanding, and good communication characterize any healthy relationship. Am I my own good friend and companion?

Thoughts are like seeds. Loving and joyful thoughts create beautiful flowers and nourishing fruits. On the other hand, thoughts can be malicious and oppressive, creating painful thorns and toxic weeds. We can master our lives by cultivating good and nourishing fruits that bring us the greatest joy and satisfaction.

Course in positive thinking. The purpose of the positive thinking course is to provide an understanding of the nature of thought. Participants learn methods to be more positive and constructive at home, at work, and in their relationships. The course covers topics such as:

  • Understanding the nature of thought
  • Getting to know the mind
  • Taking control of life experiences
  • Developing self-confidence
  • Creating one’s own reality
  • Making everyday life a positive experience



“Du er hvad du tænker!”
Denne simple, men rammende talemåde antyder, at alt hvad vi siger, gør og føler har oprindelse i sindet. Menneskesindets energi er en af de stærkeste, men mindst forståede energiressourcer i universet. Når vi forstår og udnytter denne energi, besidder vi nøglen til lykke og tilfredshed, samt til at forbedre vore relationer og vores situation. Læs mere ….

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