
IN HINDI: Harmony in Relationships – Empower acceptance and forbid expectation

Dato: søndag d. 30. april 2023
Tid : 15:30 - 16:30
Sted: Brahma Kumaris, København
Vodroffsvej 9B
1900 Frederiksberg C
Underviser: Sonja Ohlsson

Interactions with family, friends or colleagues can sometimes lead to disagreements and differences of opinion. Driven by subtle ego, such situations could quickly turn into heated arguments, conflicts and bitterness, leading to disharmony in relationships. It might seem impossible to remain emotionally balanced and peaceful in these circumstances. Now for a moment, imagine if you had the power to remain in your inner peace and handle the conflict with respect and acceptance for the other person.

Join us in an insightful talk by Jignesh Panchal, followed by Q&A and meditation to foster harmony in relationships

Jignesh Panchal is an experienced meditation coordinator and teacher from Ahmedabad, India, currently residing and working in Sweden. With a strong passion for mindfulness and spiritual development, he has been actively involved in Brahma Kumaris, leading motivational and meditation sessions, and contributing to the organization’s youth development projects. In addition to his dedication to personal growth and community service, Jignesh is a highly skilled Hardware Principal Engineer at ARM in Lund, specializing in designing and coding chips for Microprocessors. As the local Arm’s Global Environmental Ambassador, he leverages his expertise and enthusiasm to promote sustainable practices both in the workplace and the broader community. With his unique blend of technical expertise and spiritual insight, Jignesh is a valuable asset to any organization committed to positive change and environmental sustainability.



Om underviseren

Sonja Ohlsson tilpasset
Sonja er meditationslærer samt daglig leder i Brahma Kumaris’ meditationscenter i København. Hun har som frivillig undervist medarbejdere i bl.a. virksomheder og universiteter internationalt i positiv tænkning, stresshåndtering, selvudvikling og meditation. I 2009 var Sonja med til at udvikle Brahma Kumaris Environment Initiative med henblik på at skabe en højere miljøbevidsthed i Brahma Kumaris samt tilføje den indre dimension til drøftelserne på FN's klima- og biodiversitet konferencer.

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