Dato: lørdag d. 22. februar 2025
Tid : 10:00 - 15:00
Sted: Brahma Kumaris, København
Vodroffsvej 9B
1900 Frederiksberg C
Underviser: Yasmin Rajput
‘You are what you think!’ This simple, but distinct way of speaking suggests that all that we say, do and feel, has its origin within the mind. The energy of the human mind is one of the strongest, but least understood energy resources of the Universe. When we understand and use this energy, we possess the key to happiness and contentment, and at the same time we shall be able to improve our relationships and our situation.
Positive thinking: Make your mind your best friend
What I think about myself, and how I use min mind, influence immediately my relationship both to myself and others. Confidence, love, respect, understanding and a good communication is characterizing each good relationship. Am I my own, good friend? Thoughts are like seeds. Loving and happy thoughts create beautiful flowers and nourishing fruits. On the other hand thoughts may be malicious and depressing and may create painful thorns and poisonous weeds. We may master our lives by creating good and nourishing fruits, which shall give us the greatest joy and contentment.
Course in positive thinking
The purpose of the course in positive thinking is to provide understanding of the nature of the thought. You are learning methods how to become more positive and constructive at home, at work and in your relationships. The course includes topics as:
. To understand the nature of the thought
. To get to know the Mind
. To take control over the experiences of life.
. To develop self-confidence
. To create one’s own reality
. to make every day a positive experience
“Du er hvad du tænker!”
Denne simple, men rammende talemåde antyder, at alt hvad vi siger, gør og føler har oprindelse i sindet. Menneskesindets energi er en af de stærkeste, men mindst forståede energiressourcer i universet. Når vi forstår og udnytter denne energi, besidder vi nøglen til lykke og tilfredshed, samt til at forbedre vore relationer og vores situation. Læs mere ….
Om underviseren

Da Yasmin fandt Brahma Kumaris en sommerdag i 2012, opstod der en øjeblikkelig følelse af at være fundet hjem. Efter at have modtaget undervisning i både positiv tænkning og Raja Yoga medtation, begyndte Yasmin selv at undervise i positiv tænkning fra 2014. Yasmin har en stor forkærlighed for de sjælelige aspekter af mennesket, som også skinner igennem i hendes undervisning. Til dagligt arbejder Yasmin som psykolog og yoga og mindfulness lærer.
Deltagelse gratis