
Workshop: Mastering the Mind Game

Dato: søndag d. 15. september 2024
Tid : 14:00 - 16:30
Sted: Brahma Kumaris, Århus
Ålborggade 22, 3. tv.
8000 Aarhus

Workshop på engelsk:

We all wish to achieve more in our lives, but the same mind that creates these wishes plays a mind-game that creates obstacles; challenges on our way to success. A resilient mindset involves detachment from emotions and outcomes. Mastering the mind game demands self-awareness, discipline and resilience. By integrating simple mindfulness techniques like meditation into day to day decision-making, one can navigate changing dynamics with confidence and composure. Embarking on this journey of self-discovery and mastery empowers us to reach new heights of personal growth and fulfillment despite a constantly changing world.

Kom til denne workshop med Shrinidhi Krishnamurthy fra vores hovedcenter i Indien. Shrinidhi har praktiseret Raja Yoga meditation siden 1992. Han har professionel baggrund i management og arbejder som frivillig på fuld tid som souschef  i afdelingen for Training & Development på Brahma Kumaris’  Global Hospital Research Center i Mount Abu, Indien. Iblandt mange andre frivillige aktiviter er han uddannet inden for values in healthcare og deltager i mange lokale og internationale konferencer med emner som unge og spiritualitet, klima og bæredygtighed m.v.


Workshop in English:

We all wish to achieve more in our lives, but the same mind that creates these ‘wishes’ plays a mind-game that creates obstacles; challenges on our way to success. A resilient mindset involves detachment from emotions and outcomes. Mastering the mind game demands self-awareness, discipline and resilience. By integrating simple mindfulness techniques like meditation into day to day decision-making, one can navigate changing dynamics with confidence and composure. Embarking on this journey of self-discovery and mastery empowers us to reach new heights of personal growth and fulfillment despite a constantly changing world.

Facilitator of this workshop is Shrinidhi Krishnamurthy from our main center in India. Shrinidhi has been practicing Raja Yoga meditation since 1992. He has a professional background in management and works as a full-time volunteer as Deputy Head of Training & Development at Brahma Kumaris’ Global Hospital Research Center in Mount Abu, India. Among many other voluntary activities, he is trained in values ​​in healthcare and participates in many local and international conferences on topics such as youth and spirituality, climate and sustainability, etc.

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